Additional fertilization and irrigation of raspberries – 14.07.2015

plehrimi_i_mjedresRelevant plant nutrition is one of the fundamental factors for good growth, profitable production and with standard quality of raspberry and blackberry fruits. Fertilization of these crops depends on: the texture of the soil, the reaction of the soil’s pH and the presence of organic elements in orchards during the vegetation period. In order to determine nutrients in plants, as well as to ascertain the state of flushing of nitrogen and potassium in the soil, leaves tests should be made. This determines the necessary amount of nutrients to be used for raspberries and blackberries. The growing ability and habitus of the plant, thickening of sprouts, leaf size and colour are the indicators of the health of the plant, but also of the need of fertilization. Raspberries and blackberries usually fertilize with by combining the waste in four methods: the use of farmyard manure, distribution of mineral fertilizers in the form of grains, water soluble fertilizers with crystalline in irrigation system and the use of micro elements, and through leaves treatment. Most of the fertility by all methods depends on the content of nutrients in the soil, natural soil fertility and the potential of existing irrigation system. If there is no irrigation system, fertilization can be done with the distribution of manure and distribution of grains of artificial fertilizers.

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